Dog Training

in Oshawa



Professional Dog Training in Oshawa

Bringing a furry friend into your home is an exciting adventure! 

Whether you've just brought home a playful, curious, energetic puppy or opted to adopt a shelter/rescue with its unique set of learned behaviours, effective dog training is essential for building a strong and balanced relationship between you and your new best friend.

Whether you are looking for a puppy obedience class, advanced dog obedience courses, one-on-one dog training or group obedience training sessions it  is about so much more than simply teaching your dog to sit and stay. It’s about fostering clear concise communication, building mutual respect and understanding for each other, creating a positive and enriching environment for your dog, helping them lower their guard, socializing them properly, as well as, helping you keep them safe in a variety of situations you and your pup will inevitably encounter throughout the course of your lives together. Call us now to reserve your spot in our next course!

A black and white drawing of a dog on a white background.

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Our Approach to Dog Obedience Training

Training Better Pets and Parents

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Puppy training starts with having your fur friend learning their name, focusing their attention on you, proper leash walking manners, as well as, teaching basic commands including: sit, down, stay, come, leave it, and drop it.

This is all taught using positive reinforcement methods, with a focus on short, frequent training sessions due to a puppy's short attention span.

This course builds on the skills learned in Puppy Obedience and introduces more complex commands and behaviours; however, it is also open to older dogs that can demonstrate mastery of basic commands (sit, down, stay, come, and basic leash control).

Training includes:

Teaching your dog to pay attention to you instead of distractions.

Teaching your dog to heel (walking calmly beside you).

Teaching your dog directional commands (to go where you direct him or her).

Teaching your dog to leave it or drop it  (for both play and for their safety).

Teaching your dog the OFF command (to get off of a person or object).

Teaching your dog distance control (so they respond to commands at a distance).

Teaching your dog the recall command (to come when called).

Teaching your dog how to properly greet other humans or dogs.

Teaching your dog bell ringing (to let you know they need to be let outside).

This course enhances and refines the skills learned in Intermediate Obedience.

Training Includes:

Teaching off lead distance commands in more challenging environments (for example in an unleashed dog park).

Improving upon response times to proofing commands (reinforcing learned commands in more complex environments with different stressors and distractions).

Teaching impulse control.

Teaching enhanced recall control.

Teaching enhanced "place" command (teaching your dog to go to a specific spot and staying until released),

Teaching advanced directional commands (over, around, between, under).

Addressing and correcting lingering behavioural problems, as well as agility and trick training (if desired).

Customizable training tailored to your dog's specific needs and capabilities.

Benefits of Obedience Classes

Improved Behaviour:
Obedience training helps you and your new best friend learn essential commands that help you assert clear boundaries both at home and while out and about. This has the added benefit of reducing stress for both you and your dog while making activities more enjoyable. It will also encourage you to take your dog more places knowing you will not have to worry about their behaviour. Frequent outings together creates a healthier relationship and healthier pet.

Enhanced Bond:
  Mutual respect and understanding are developed during the training process which provides valuable opportunities to bond with your dog. Working together towards a common goal strengthens that bond and fosters a relationship built on that understanding of you and your dog’s needs.

Professional Guidance: An experienced dog trainer can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to your dog's specific needs and challenges.

Socialization Opportunities:
Group training provides a controlled environment for your dog to interact with other dogs and people, which helps to promote positive social interactions.

Increased Confidence:
Successful dog training boosts your dog's confidence and self-esteem. Just as when we as humans master new skills, they will feel more secure and confident in their interactions with the world around them.

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